Ioana Raluca Larco
Recent courses
ITA101 through 202 language courses, ITA300-Italian Conversation and Writing, ITA301-Italy from Fascism to the Present (conducted in Italian), ITA011-Italian for Reading Knowledge, ITA263 on the topics of Italian Women's Autobiography, Italian cinema and the Culture of Food in Italy (these last three conducted in English), MCL311-The World of Autobiography, ITA335 on the topic of Women Representations in Italian Cinema.
Office hours (Spring 2024): M 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.; T 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Women Writers, Autobiography, Food studies, Cinema Studies, SLA
Book chapters:
“Class Conflict and ‘Upward Mobility’ in Ada Negri’s Stella mattutina (1921)”. Essay published in the collection of peer-reviewed essays Representations of Female Identity in Italy. From Neoclassicism to the 21th Century. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017:
Co-editor (with Fabiana Cecchini) for the collection of essays: Italian Women and Autobiography. Ideology, Discourse, Identity in Female Life Narratives: from Fascism to the Present. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Published in February 2011. Contributor: “A Journey beyond Fascist Models: Fine d’anno by Paola Drigo.”
“Anorexic Symptoms in Clara Sereni’s Casalinghitudine (1987)” Essay published in the peer-reviewed journal gender/sexuality/italy 6 (2019), available at:
“(Self)Representations of Motherhood in Stella mattutina (1921) by Ada Negri”. Published in the peer-reviewed journal gender/sexuality/italy 2 (2015) hosted by Dickinson College and available at:
“Merging Territories: (Anti)Feminism in Neera’s Una giovinezza del secolo XIX”. Published in altrelettere, the peer-reviewed and open access digital journal of Italian literature and gender studies hosted by the University of Zurich, 2014, available at:
Let’s Wake up, Italics! Manifesto for a Glocal Future by Piero Bassetti. New York: John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2017. 138pp. Forthcoming in the journal Italian Americana.
Tusiani, Joseph. In una casa un’altra casa trovo. Autobiografia di un poeta di due terre. Ed. Raffaele Cera and Cosma Siani. Milano: Bompiani, 2016. Pp. 446. Published in Annali d’Italianistica, 35 (2017): 662-664.
Katharine Mitchell. Italian Women Writers: Gender and Everyday Life in Fiction and Journalism, 1870-1910. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. 250 pp. Invited review published in English Studies in Canada 41.2-3 (June/September, 2015): 234-36.